Parenting can be deeply gratifying and incredibly stressful.


An expert in child development, I provide parents with insight into the difficulties they are experiencing, and help them to develop their own parenting style with self-assuredness, humor and honesty.


Parent guidance offers a supportive place where you will not feel alone in dealing with the challenges of parenting your child or adolescent. I take a comprehensive approach to helping you develop a personal parenting style that fosters a close and joyful bond with your child. Together we will work towards growing a better understanding of your child’s emotional life and the specific needs and expectations for their developmental stage in life.

You will be guided to communicating more effectively, and taught practical tools for managing a range of challenging issues – from sibling rivalry to diffusing aggressive behavior. These skills can also be effective with children or adolescents who struggle with anxiety, depression, social problems, and learning issues.

We may also use psycho-education to explore how your personal history is expressed in your parenting style, and create strategies to avoid repeating negative reactions and respond more consistently. As you learn to manage the triggers your child or teen elicits, you will feel more competent and confident in your parenting abilities.


The goal of parent guidance is to help parents and parenting partners find ways to work together as best they can to maintain consistency. I work with heterosexual and same-sex couples as well as divorced parents and stepparents looking to develop a unified approach to parenting.


Optional Approaches

Parent guidance can be collaborative, where we work together to help your child or adolescent address issues; or it can be conducted in conjunction with my therapeutic sessions with your child or adolescent.